P3’s community

We are proud to make our communities better by contributing to a range of national charitable organizations with diverse missions. We make a point of supporting charities that are important to each of our individual hospital locations.

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National-Level Involvement Highlights

Good Vibes Concert Series logo

Good Vibes Concert Series

An online free virtual music event that was created by P3 to celebrate Canadian veterinary front-line workers.

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Veterinarians Without Borders logo

Veterinarians Without Borders

A Canadian international development organization working to improve the health of animals, people, and the environment.

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Canadian Animal Assistance Team

Canadian Animal Assistance Team

A Canadian non-profit organization that provides animal healthcare clinics for cats and dogs in rural and underserved areas in Canada and internationally.

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Terry Fox Foundation logo

Terry Fox Foundation

We participate in the annual Terry Fox Run to raise money for cancer research.

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